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The Dixie Chicks' First Web Site
These pages are a mirror of the first-ever Dixie Chicks web page, as it existed on 10/5/1998.
In 1996, the Dixie Chicks inspired their fans at Austin-based
Quadralay Corporation to create a web site for the group.
See the Site History page for more details.
What our friends have said...

- Jeff Stockett - The Quadralay Corporation
- "When are they stopping by the office??"
- Paul Lohr - Booking Agent
- "The best band I have ever booked!"
- Joe Kacal - Beasley, TX
- "A pure joy to watch perform! Full of energy and
enthusiasm! Beautifully talented!"
- Cashbox magazine
- "They are a true phenomenon!"
- Andy Hooper, 1st Lt, USMC - Okinawa
- "These women create a mix of talent, enthusiasm, and
beauty that must be experienced over and over..."
[Editor's Note: of all the pictures that were lost, this is the one I wanted! Sorry.]
The Dixie Chicks with the Quadralay Gang
Copyright 1995-1996 Quadralay Corporation and Dixie Chicks
Chicks Home Page