Chick Chat From the Rockin' DC Ranch
Before they hit the big time -- and one time after -- the
Dixie Chicks sent a newsletter to their loyal fans. The
irregularly published Chick Chat was a facinating
stream-of-conciousness look into the lives of a group of
talented young ladies (and gentlemen) struggling with life on
the road.
This issue was sent out around February, 1995. In December of that year, the Dixie Chicks
replaced lead singer Laura Lynch with Natalie Maines,
daughter of (all together now, say:) Texas steel guitar legend Lloyd Maines, who helped with
the final indie release, Shouldn't A Told You That.
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Happy New Year Y'All!
[Photo caption: We "played famous" with Loretta Lynn at Freeman Auditorium in San Antonio, TX.]
Ahhh... There's nothing like the music bidness to keep us humble. We had a swell 1994, enjoying life's
little luxuries at forty-two Motel 6s and playing towns where they still give out S&H green stamps at the
grocery store. 1995 ought to be even better.
We started the new year off playing in the state capitol for our new, improved, cleaner whiter brighter,
Governor Bush! Lots of shakers and movers and plenty of regular folks like us too. We were all in the
Austin Convention Center for hours of horse d'oovers, dancing and chasing news crews for coverage.
Real Stories Of The Highway
- Martie has purchased every Bride Magazine in Allsups between Camelot, LA and Anaconda, MT.
- We played Orofino High School in Washington -- Their mascot is the "Maniac" (and they're 2
blocks from the state mental institution!)
- We experienced an Elvis sighting at the Gator Lounge in Lake Charles, LA.
- Laura, A.K.A. Little Big Hair, fell through the state in Muleshoe, TX -- up to her ribs doing the
vertical splits, and she kept on singing.
- We debuted in beautiful Butte, Montana. But en route to Butte, we saw signs advertising a
local "Post-Branding Testicle Festival and Horseshoe Throwing Contest!" Wow, we'd fit right
in -- 'cept we couldn't find hide ner hair of it. I'm sure everyone had a ball.
- We found ourselves bottoms up in the Northwest when we had metal shavings in our rear
end (OUCH!) and were forced to buy a rear differential from the Crow Indians in Wyoming. For
some reason, they kept trying to beat on Tom.
- Tom has authored yet another book on... yes, DRUMMING! It's called
Foundations: A Structured Approach to Beginning Drumset Study.
- Emily got pulled over for an illegal U-Turn over the holidays. When she tried to bribe the
officer with a Dixie Chicks CD, he said, "That won't work on me young lady... I already have all three!"
- Our RV dropped its transmission on Highway 51 headin' west to Amarillo. We're now looking
to hire a full time mechanic with a cosmetology degree and some experience in changing guitar strings.
What The Big Time Is Like
[Photo caption: The Armadillo hisself,
Gary P. Nunn,
sang a few tunes with us at our Broken Spoke Show.]
At Freeman Auditorium in San Antonio, we had the opportunity to pretend we were famous
for several hours! We ate cookies and kiwi with
Loretta Lynn,
mosied around in
Merle Haggard's
dressing room looking for his Dickel, borrowed
Terry McBride's
tweezers and had our very own glitter sign on our dressing room door
(in the basement, next to the boiler room).
The Armadillo,
Gary P. Nunn
hisself came to our Broken Spoke show, sang a few tunes with us, and dang if he didn't
just charm the folks with his voice and songs.
Chris Wall,
author of "I Like Women Just a Little on the Trashy Side," also made an appearance at the
show. Laura is currently writing the rebuttal song called, "I Like My Men Just a Little on the Ugly Side."
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Dixie Chicks Show Dates
Watch your local newspaper for additional listings. In fact, send us anything that shows up in your
area. We travel fast, and often miss mentions and articles.
[Schedule for Jan '95 through May '95 omitted for space -rb]
3 SAT. |
private. |
15 THU. |
Martie's big, bad, ball & chain bash. Bye Bye single life. 3524 Greenville Ave., Dallas, TX
8:00 - 11:00pm (214) 823-9640
[The Granada's web site is http://www.granadamoviegrill.com/ -rb]
17 SAT. |
Martie's got a solo gig at the altar. The only thing she'll be singing is "I do." |
"I love being married. It's so great to find that one special person you want to annoy
the rest of your life." -Rita Rudner
Try... Chick Phone
Schedule Hotline
IF YOU LOSE YOUR NEWSLETTER, you can call our hotline for concert information.
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Our First Centerfold!
Pick up the February issue of Western Styles Magazine at your local magazine
or bookstore and checkout the feature music article on page 54. Thank you John Hassan!
Road Signs
If you're out in Lubbock any time later this Spring, look to the sky, and you might find us on our
first billboard. For fancy dippity doo, that all us Dixies use, trust Lanza... for the perfect shine
all the time.
Thoroughly Modern Martie
The most commonly asked question when we tell people that Martie is getting married is, "Will
she stay in the band?" Hello! It's the '90s!!!
Chicks Boutique
Show the world that you love the Dixie Chicks!
[Here's a quick listing of the available items -rb]
- Official Dixie Chicks T, "Nightingales O'The Prairie", $15
- Buckin' Bronco T-Shirt, $15
- "Shouldn't A Told You That" T-Shirt, $15
- "Shouldn't A Told You That" CD $15, Cassette $10
- "Little Ol' Cowgirl" CD $15, Cassette $10
- "Thank Heavens For Dale Evans" CD $15, Cassette $10
- Autographed Photos, $2
- Swell Road Hat, $15
- Rockin' DC Ranch Coloring Book, $4 or 3/$10
- Just for li'l buckeroos! "I'm A Dixie Chicklete" T-Shirt, $8 or 3/$20
[We do have one of these. -rb]
Don't miss any mailings of Chick Chat. Be on our official mailing list!
As we get bigger, so does our mailing list, now over 5,000. Sometimes we get confused,
so we're putting together an official list & fan club membership. Get on it! You might still
get the Chat if you don't, but you might not & we love you and don't want to miss you!
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[No articles, just a picture of the Chicks with
Merle Haggard
and a talk bubble that says, "Hey Merle! Can we be your valentines?"]
Editor's Notes:
There is one more Chick Chat left before Laura Lynch's December 1995 departure.
Don't miss it!