Chick Chat Official Newsletter of the Dixie Chicks - Winter Edition 1997
Before they hit the big time -- and one time after -- the
Dixie Chicks sent a newsletter to their loyal fans. The
irregularly published Chick Chat was a facinating
stream-of-conciousness look into the lives of a group of
talented young ladies (and gentlemen) struggling with life on
the road.
This issue was sent out in December, 1997, four years to the month after the issue
that announced the release of their final indie release. Riding the wave of a quickly rising
single (it hadn't hit the Top 40 yet but it was knocking on the door), the Chicks were able to
publish a four-color issue of Chick Chat on slick glossy paper -- a far cry from the hand-composed
black-and-white manila paper of the old issues. But despite the new makeup of the band,
the stories inside were an honest, heartfelt account of the long road the Chicks had travelled
on their way to country music stardom.
Unfortunately, this was the last Chick Chat... for more details, see the Editor's Notes
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Hey Y'all, Here We Go!
For those of you who stood on that Dallas street corner in the Summer of '89 and
watched us play the same five songs over and over, it's been a long road paved
with dues to bpay, but then again, we Chicks have never been at a loss for persistence!
The days of penny pinching and scraping together sofa change to make independent
albums are over - sort of. We learned from it all, developing as a band (growing our
musical boobies you could say) and we wouldn't trade those experiences for the world,
so now we are proud to announce that our first album on Monument Records is here!
Wide Open Spaces
We started recording the new album last March and in that time, Natalie managed to
melt 2 studio mics (with her voice, not her breath), Martie's gone thru 9 fiddle bows,
Emily's gone through 8 beaus, and we squeezed in a coast-to-coast Marlboro honky tonk tour.
Produced by Sir Paul Worley and Rev. Blake Chancey, our new album is a labor of
love - no epidural needed. We played and sang our hearts out on twelve road tested
songs that y'all helped us pick. We thought "Wide Open Spaces," written by West Texas
songstress Susan Gibson, should be the title cut 'cause it's about going out there and
chasing a dream.
Here are some dates to note:
October 15th: Video of "I Can Love You Better" hits CMT. Currently playing.
October 27th: Single "I Can Love You Better" delivered to radio.
November 17th: Single available in stores.
January 27th: Album "Wide Open Spaces" available in stores.
12 songs we hope you love as much as we do.
If you have been tuning in to your favorite country station lately, you may have heard
our new single "I Can Love You Better." It's our first one, and we can't begin to explain
how awesome it feels to hear it on the radio across the country. We want to thank the
stations who are playing our song and thank those of you who are requesting it. Because
of you, we're steadily climbing up the charts. Want a copy? It just happens to be in stores
right now, and we just can't think of a better stocking stuffer (hint, hint).
Monument: Flagship Chicks
Dolly Parton,
Roy Orbison,
Kris Kristofferson,
Connie Smith,
Larry Gatlin,
Boots Randolph,
Willie Nelson...
What a history! Monument Records was born on March 11th, 1958 and during its time
on Music Row, produced hits for artists that were unique, one-of-a-kind, and that may
not have been embrace by other labels. Monument was known for catering to the "unique"
and now that Sony has re-opened the doors to this monumental label, we are tickled to be
their flagship artists... 'cause they let us color outside the lines.
DID YOU KNOW? The Dixie Chicks played "The Ryman" (home
of the original Grand Ole Opry) for the Monument launch party.
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on the road
... check hotline for date, location and time changes before you make plans.
Shows are continually being added...
[Schedule for Dec '97 through May '98 omitted for space -rb]
Come All Ye Faithful Fans
..... to Billy Bob's on Christmas night. We want to celebrate
with you! Let's face it, by then we'll all be pretty tired of smellin' great grandma, so come and
dance off that eggnog (and drink beer).
We'll be previewing the music from our upcoming Sony Monument release "Wide Open Spaces,"
playing some tried and true favorites, and -of course- a Christmas song or two. Also, Natalie's dad
Lloyd will be helping out on steel guitar. Our trusty merchandise manager, Dick, will have his sack
full of brand new boutique items.
DID YOU KNOW? Lloyd is playing steel on 11 out of 12 cuts on the new
Homesick Chicks
Since late August these Chicks have been on the go. From Rochester to Sacramento to Ft.
Meyers, we've played radio showcases, conventions, Halloween bashes, honky tonks, and
8 weeks of radio tours. We three agree that these last few months have been the most
memorable and exciting of our 8 1/2 year career, the highlight being singin' on stage with
Sammy Kershaw
and the Legendary
George Jones.
When we finished, George said, "how 'bout them Dixie Chickens." We didn't mind at all.
Heck, when you're the "possum," you can call us anything you want... just don't call us late
for supper!
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Chicks Boutique
Ta Da. We have new t-shirts, pictures, and hats. The Chick Boutique is open just in time
for Christmas so just tell us what you need. Also, we hope you like the new re-vamped Chick
Chat. If you want to keep receiving Chick Chat, to be in the know on what's up with the
Chicks and to get first peeps at new merchandise -- send $5.00 for a 1 year membership
(it's cheep, cheep!!). See order form.
Dixie Cafe T-Shirt
Available in L-XL (item #300)
[image on shirt is the "three laughing chicks" pic from the back of the CD -rb]
Dixie Baby Doll T-Shirt
Available in S-M-L (item #301)
White w/black neckline & sleeve piping
Dixie Phychodelic [sic] T-Shirt
Available in L-XL (item #302)
Black w/white logo on the front
& funky phychodelic logo on back
Chicks Ball Cap
Black w/purple logo
Adjustable (item #303)
Autographed Photos
Photos will change periodically
(item #304)
* Remember *
Our 12 song CD will be in stores January 27th!
[Order form followed, including a blank for e-mail address "for Chick 'Hot Flashes'" -rb]
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Chick It Out
Many of you have been e-mailing us about the "I Can Love You Better" video. Thank you for the
compliments, but we regret to inform you that the lighting, hair dressers, and make-up work
wonders. For the curious, it was shot at four different locations in Nashville: the airport, a tattoo
parlor, a cake bakery, and a downtown street set in the fifties. Chick it out on CMTand other
video shows now.
(P.S. Martie's were real and Natalie and Emily's were $19.95)
To everyone who made a contribution to "Wide Open Spaces," thanks for helping us
make it great!
Editor's Notes:
The Winter 1997 edition of Chick Chat was the last.
The honesty in its pages was just the sort
of reminder of the past that Sony has been working so hard to eliminate -- and no corporate
marketing maven is going to allow their hot property to talk about growing their "musical boobies"!
Perhaps someone in Sony's marketing machine should watch "Coal Miner's Daughter" --
especially the part where a young, inexperienced
Loretta Lynn
talks on the air about
"eating bologna and getting horny."
Here's the note from the Chicks' new Office Manager announcing the bad news:
From: Dixiechks@aol.com
Date: Fri, 17 Jul 1998 13:31:41 EDT
To: (several recipients' emails omitted for privacy)
Subject: Thanks!
Hi y'all,
Thanks for asking about the DIXIE CHICKS. The girls are out on the road
right now exploring the "Wide Open Spaces". This is a great, but busy year
for the CHICKS. Natalie, Emily and Martie would love to answer all your
inquiries, but they just don't stay in one place long enough. However, they
do read their email, and it sure helps them pass the hours they spend on that
tour bus. You are their inspiration.
We are no longer continuing with the Chick Chat Newsletter and don't have a
fan club at this time. We do still have order forms available for T-shirts,
autographed photos, and other merchandise. If you are interested in ordering
merchandise, please request an order form, and we will mail you one.
If you are interested in concert dates, check out this website:
www.Pollstar.com, or call our Concert Hotline @ 972/233-9124. DIXIE CHICKS
fans are the coolest and have created some terrific websites with tons of info
on the CHICKS. "Chick" out these unofficial websites for all kinds of
interesting facts and photos:
The Unofficial Dixie Chick Page
Liz's Dixie Chick Page
Sony Website
Thanks for your support of the DIXIE CHICKS!
Chari Short
Office Manager
P.S. If you already sent us $5 with an order, we'll be sending out gifts
instead of Chick Chat. If you'd rather have your $5 refunded, please email me
right away, and we'll be happy to do so. If you sent us a check for Chick
Chat only, we'll be sending it back to you instead of cashing it...unless you
want a gift. Please let me know which you prefer. THANKS!!!
The Dixie Chicks that created "Wide Open Spaces" consisted of:
Natalie Maines, Emily Erwin, and Martie Seidel (née Erwin)