Dixie Chicks Liner Notes
Every album has its liner notes -- messages of thanks that range from simple lists of contributors to
cryptic messages that make sense only to the artist's inner circle of friends. I've been lucky enough
to catch some of the hidden references in the Dixie Chicks' liner notes, and I'll add my clarifications
to this page as I verify them (and as I find time).
Wide Open Spaces Liner Notes
Natalie's Dad is actually Texas steel guitar legend Lloyd Maines,
who plays steel on 11 of the 12 tracks and also had a significant role in the Chicks' third release,
Shouldn't A Told You That.
One of Natalie's "inspirations", Bonnie Raitt, contributed a song to the disc.
"Give It Up Or Let Me Go" is the "meet the band" song at the end of
the CD -- and is the only track that doesn't have "play me on the radio"
written all over it. It's essential listening, though, for fans starving to hear
Emily, Martie, and Tommy Nash's incredible sounds front and center.
Recording one track with the road band was one of the Dixie Chicks'
demands when they went into the studio.
First off, I would like to thank God for giving me this wonderful life. I couldn't ask for better. I would
also like to thank Michael, for being my perfect match. I love you, my Dad (Homer), and my Mom for
all their wisdom, love, and support. Kim, for all of the above and for not killing me when I purposely
crossed over the imaginary line in the car, all my friends and family, you're the best. I want to thank
everyone who had a part in this project, especially Blake who was my humor, and Paul who was my
sanity. I love you both and can't wait to do it all again. Most of all, Martie and Emily, you complete me.
And finally my inspiration: James Taylor, Bonnie Raitt, Indigo Girls, Maria McKee, and John Travolta.
At the Christmas '97 Billy Bob's concert, Emily and Martie introduced the touching ballad
"You Were Mine" by noting that it was a true story. In these notes, Emily thanks her parents
for letting her borrow their "baggage" -- is the heartbreaking song the Erwin sisters' own story?
Or is it the story of the previous generation -- does Grandma Erwin's bravery come from her
own heartbreak?
Blake and Paul, what a team! Thank you for your hard work, long hours, and making this album the
most fun, creative and inspiring experience I've ever had. To the one unconditional constant in my
life - my parents - thank you for the years of lessons, coming to the shows, driving all those miles so
we could pay to play, and teaching me that, instead of being the cheerleader, I should be the one in
the game. I love you (oh... and thanks for letting me borrow your baggage for the song). Martie and
Natalie, I can't think of anyone I'd rather share this dream with. You are my best friends! Lastly, I'd
like to dedicate my part of the album to my hero, my Grandma Erwin... 'cause she's the bravest
'chick' I know!
-- Emily
Again, another reference to the Erwin sisters' family. "You Were Mine", written by Emily and Martie,
is the most touching and beautiful song on the album. And if you like this song, you'll be completely
knocked out by the first three discs!
To my Mom, I hope I can be a mother like you. Dad, thank you for giving me my passion for music.
Farrell (my other Dad), I am one of your biggest fans, thank you for the stability in my life. Emily and
Natalie - you are two of my favorite people on earth and I believe in you. To my precious family and
friends, I hope this music moves you like it moves me! Most of all, I dedicate this project to the two
loves of my life, Ted and Carter. You are my life.
-- Martie
Tom Van Schaik, the Chicks' drummer, was one of the first non-chick Chicks. He came on shortly after
the first CD but, like guitarist Tommy Nash, tends to stay in the background and let the girls enjoy the spotlight.
However, he has since left and is now with Dallas party legend
Robert Earl Keen.
Dallas/Ft. Worth has been home to the Chicks since they played on the street corners. And we'll always
welcome 'em back, no matter how many tattoos they get.
If anyone knows who or what the aardvark is, I'm dying to find out!
So many people to thank, so little space - We want to thank everyone at Sony and Monument for
making us feel like part of the family. To our other family, Bobby and Tommy, thanks for putting up
with all our _ _ _ _ on the road. We love you. Simon, Karen, and Susie, you work almost as hard
as we do. Ha-Ha. Thanks to Paul and BLA, Scott Siman, everyone who played on this album - you
made it fun and incredible, the songwriters - thanks for the great songs. Special thanks goes out to
Barb, Dick, Renee Fowler, Renee Grant Williams, Chris Rogers, Chip, Tony (coke boy), Jim Lauderdale,
Jeff Humphrey, Tom Van Schaik, David2 and Stage Right Audio, Gibson Guitars, La Bella,
Johnny Thorn, all our fans, Dallas/Ft. Worth, and all the booking agents that helped us move indoors.
To our fellow road rats: "Would you rather...?" Thank you Carthage! P.S. Thanks to the aardvark.
Without whom we wouldn't be here.
-- The Chicks
Shouldn't A Told You That Liner Notes
We Couldn't A Done It Without:
Our parents and families, Laura's little darlin' Asia Abraham, Lana Adams/Makeup, Ed Bernet, Kent Bicknell,
Michael Castro and family, Corporate Magic, Darwin Drums, Steve Fishell, Radney Foster, Tracy Gerson at
Sony Tree, The Griffin Family, Kat Hughes, Jeff Humphrey, Grank Liddell at Blue Water Music Corp, Paul Lohr
and Buddy Lee Attractions, Roy Machado, Mery Ellen, Bud Malone and family, Carolyn McGovern, Lisa Miles,
Mike Milom, Barb Olsen, Sam Paulos and Crystal Clear Sound, Larry Perkins, Rex Peteet and Sibley/Peteet
Design, Inc, Mike Poole, Pro Mark, Laurie Rudd,
Jay Rury,
Ken Schaeffer and Justin Boot Co., Larry Seyer,
Randy Singleton and Guitar Center, David Skepner, Win Skiles, Gail Stutts, Brian Taylor, Johnny Thorn,
George Toomer, Doug Wall
Little Ol' Cowgirl Liner Notes
Thank You To...
Asia Abraham, Ed Bernet, Matthew Benjamin, Lisa Brandenburg, Randy Brown, Miguel Castro, Jim Chapman,
David and Penny Cook, the Griffin family, Tom Hamilton and Kent Bicknell, Jeff Humphrey (our incredible road
manager and live sound engineer), KERA Radio, Robert Lee,
Patty Lege, Paul Lohr and Buddy Lee Attractions,
Linda Lyon (our indispensable assistant), Bud and Mary Ellen Malone and family, Mel Bay, Dan Northcut, Sam
Paulos, Dave Peters, Dick Renko, Jennie Reeves, Robin's Gagy and the Erwin's Gaggy and Grandma,
Catherine Lee Ross, Laurie Rudd, David Skepner, Brian Taylor, Three Teardrops Saloon, Johnny Thorn,
George Toomer, Tom Van Schaik, Kevin Wommack, our brothers and sisters and our supportive parents.
Thanks Heavens for Dale Evans Liner Notes
Thank you to our parents: Frances and Phil, Barbara, Paul, Jack and Nancy, and Pona.
Special Thanks to: Laura's lil' sweetheart Asia Abraham, Rick Babb, Mark Bennett,
Lisa Brandenburg, John Kinsey and Mossman Guitars, Dan Northcut, Dave Peters, Roy Rogers Jr.,
Ben Smith, Brian Taylor, Johnny Thorn, Farrel Trask, Maria Erwin, Julia Erwin, David Castell, Patty
Mitchell Lege, Amy Sue Macy, Sharon Gilchrist,
Erin Lynch and the St. Mark's School of Texas, Jennie and Lucy.